Friday, July 30, 2010

What are the factors to consider in making a shampoo?

We were assigned a project to make any medicine derived from plants.. We considered making a shampoo from aloe vera..What are the factors to consider in making a shampoo?
Although aloe vera can be used on burns and etc. it is only an added ingredient in shampoo. Shampoo is not a medicine. It is made from an long organic alcohol boiled with sodium or potassium hydroxide to make a detergent,then fragrance and color are added .They determine how many bubbles they want and how thick it should be.What are the factors to consider in making a shampoo?
the pH of the resultant compound you make, and any buffering you might do to keep the pH within certain limits is important. But as others have said, shampoo is not really any medicine.
Well, making a shampoo is not your assignment. Why not look on a bottle of shampoo that has aloe vera in it for all the ingredients.

Medicine is not shampoo, and shampoo is not medicine.

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